To See the Invisible
Below are the consecutive, build-up-together steps that I’ve taken to start seeing the invisible plane and its inhabitants (discarnated spirits) around us (in the order listed).
1. So-called “aura goggles.”
First, I purchased the “aura goggles” (link to the place where I purchased them is in the text below, the text itself is taken from their website too). Some people say they can see ghosts with them. I noticed that the color of the lenses was indigo (or one of the variations of indigo).
 | | In the early 20th century, a researcher named Walter Kilner used dicyanin dye (a coal tar derivative), to observe the human aura through a split glass screen, which contained the dicyanin dye. As dicyanin is now illegal to obtain and use, the Aura Goggles™ use a custom made synthetic Photothermal Dye™, which is based on dicyanin’s spectroscopic and chemical properties. With over 1000 positive reviews online, and recorded video footage shot using a thermal imaging camera through the lens of the Aura Goggles™, it is fully proven to work as a successful replacement for dicyanin dye for the purpose of viewing the human aura. |

Indigo lens glasses | | I also bought the book "Aura Glasses: You Can See Auras!" by Wendy Lambert, which includes a pair of indigo lens glasses for aura viewing (
Most people who try the Aura Glasses can immediately see the light around objects, plants and people. Further practise brings the ability to see aura colors, guide energies, thought forms, healing energy and past life energy. Wearing the Aura Glasses and calmly focusing attention on a subject brings one to an altered state, which enhances the ability to see energy. |

SUMMARY: I think I could see some luminous radiance all along the edge of the hand right away I put aura goggles on the first time. It is much easier to see it on the light (but not very bright) background. I didn’t see the discarnate spirits though (I’ll continue this task for now). I also noticed that colors are visibly shifted to the longer wavelength of the spectrum – yellow color looks as orange or red, for example. It’s something similar to the Doppler effect when if the source is moving away (positive velocity), the observed frequency is lower, and the observed wavelength is greater (redshifted). For our case, it means that the invisible, higher frequency, part of the spectrum might become more visible with this observed wavelength redshift.
2. A magnet for the “third eye.”
3. Shamanic drumming (sound / light).

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