Altruism Proverbs and Sayings
A proverb (from Latin: proverbium) is a simple, concrete, and traditional saying popularly known and revered, that expresses a perceived truth based on common sense or the practical experience of humanity. Proverbs are often metaphorical and use formulaic language.
- Altruism is the mark of a superior being (Egypt)
- Perish yourself but save your friend
- Always receive only to give
- The pain of others is our pain too
- Where there is altruism, there is wisdom
- Better to lose an eye than a good name
- No matter how wise you are, you can’t be too smart about your conscience
- Although empty, the purse is, clear, the conscience is. Yeesssssss (The Wisdom Of Yoda)
- Give for the sake of giving
- Always give, never take
- I solemnly swear that I renounce egoism and depart from the narrow boundaries of my personal interests
- One cannot have true understanding until that understanding abides in an altruistic heart
- When to receive one wishes, give to others, one should (The Wisdom Of Yoda)
An analysis of present-day human behavior leaves no room for doubt: society is infirm.