Wisdom of Yoda
This timeless Yoda wisdom will awaken the Force (the Self, the real and infinite you) within the currently little and sleeping you.
Always changing, knowledge and experience are. Knowing or being aware never changes. Yes, hmmm.
Before awareness knows anything other than itself, aware of itself, awareness is. Such as a thought, anything is, feeling, sensation or perception. To be aware of itself, awareness’s nature is. And to be aware of itself, thus its primary experience is. Awareness itself, ‘I’ is. Yeesssssss.
With good thoughts only occupy your mind, or fill them immediately with bad ones the enemy will. Unoccupied, be, they cannot be. Hmmmmmm.
Think without thinking, you can. Certain kind of intelligence connected with the Force, there is, which is more precise. Herh herh herh.
Every intent, thought, word, and action must be nourished by intellectual, emotional, and aesthetic richness.